
Hey there everyone this is Luivision here with another long overdue update with my stories. I've managed to publish on Youtube and all main podcast platforms an audio version of the 1st chapter of The REM Universe (English) I am testing and experimenting with various tools at my disposal so I'll be publishing up to chapter 3 of the story so far. Now, this is only a test so before the official launch of the story finale, many things will be changed and altered. But for now, I hope you guys enjoy it and I have revisioned here the chapter on Wattpad adding at the beginning the link to the YouTube audio version so you can hit play at the beginning and follow along or just enjoy the voices. I need lots of criticism here so be honest about the voices and what you guys think about it. PS: The podcast version is an improved audio version I recommend you check it out. Thanks always for your support.


Hey there everyone this is Luivision here with another long overdue update with my stories. I've managed to publish on Youtube and all main podcast platforms an audio version of the 1st chapter of The REM Universe (English) I am testing and experimenting with various tools at my disposal so I'll be publishing up to chapter 3 of the story so far. Now, this is only a test so before the official launch of the story finale, many things will be changed and altered. But for now, I hope you guys enjoy it and I have revisioned here the chapter on Wattpad adding at the beginning the link to the YouTube audio version so you can hit play at the beginning and follow along or just enjoy the voices. I need lots of criticism here so be honest about the voices and what you guys think about it. PS: The podcast version is an improved audio version I recommend you check it out. Thanks always for your support.


Mi gente lo prometido es deuda! Aquí les introduzco de la Serie ‘El REM parte 2 adaptado a Facebook con el nuevo Capitulo 6: El Punto’! Este nuevo capítulo está disponible aquí en Facebook al igual que en WattPad por los que le gusten leerlo a través de esa plataforma y para que sepan que está ya con copyrights. Espero que disfruten de este capítulo al introducir un nuevo personaje y dejarles saber que los conflictos se están subiendo a nuevos niveles y las cosas están por empeorar para la ganga!
          También quiero dejarles saber de nuevo que estas historias son productos de mis sueños cuando Niño y adolescente y solo son productos de mi imaginación! Cualquier parecido a la realidad es solo pura coincidencia y la razón por la cual aún uso nombres de personas reales es por ayudarme en mantener continuidad en mis rumbo a completar esta serie. Si alguna persona le incomoda y le gustaría que no usara su nombre (Aunque jamás usare apellidos) pues por favor déjenmelo saber y se harán arreglos sin algún problema. Nuevamente déjenme saber sus opiniones y comentarios abajo y espero que la disfruten!


Surprise! Chapter 9 of The REM Universe "Nightmare" Has been translated to English and published. Phew* I'm exhausted, regardless I am so hyped about this chapter I hope you all enjoy it I've been working on it for the longest, New characters are introduced both heroes and villains and things are beginning to heat up for the characters in this story. Questions have been answered and more questions have been asked! Come and read the next chapter of The REM Universe. Make sure to let me know what you guys think and if you enjoy the content, What you'd; like to see, and more!