I just wanted to make a quick announcement and apologize for the extremely long hiatus over the past year. Life’s been incredibly busy and I’m finally back to writing again. Sadly, I’ve noticed that I lost a few followers; also with some that I’ve interacted with on here from time to time. I’ll try to become more active from here on out!
@CriticHorizon being accused of something I haven't done is exhausting. I just want the person bugging me to leave me alone and stop into drama that I had NOTHING to do with. Yes I've made mistakes in the past but so has everyone else. She went on Twitter and told everyone my old handle on Tumblr. I had to make another blog on there because I was getting anon hate because of her. Now she's got all of Tumblr convinced thatt I'm sending anon hate to people when I'm not. I'm barely on that app anymore aside from talking to close mutuals. I feel trapped in a situation that I can't get out of because some psycho is mad that I put my foot down. I told her I was tired of her crap when she kept doing the same thing over and over again. I just feel stuck and no one will even give me a chance to explain my side of the story. I'm just done and I want her to leave me alone.
@CriticHorizon let's just say that I'm putting myself first instead of other people now.
@crimsonprincess74 i understand! i’m always here for you if you need someone to talk to. ❤️