As a fellow author, I promise to strive to complete everyone of my stories, something I do admittedly struggle with. This is my first promise; and feel free to verbally abuse me in the comments if I don't update fast enough for you. I probably deserve it.

I have a twin; fraternal, younger, also a girl. Whereas I'm blonde and pale-skinned, she's has rich brown hair and coffee brown eyes. Her name is Aine, and she is amazing.

Shall I tell you about the most beautiful woman in existence? Her name is Erin, and she is the love of my life (I know, I know-I'm such a hopeless romantic), I'll tell you that. Shiny dark ringlets and flawless skin-not to mention stunning brilliance and an tactful sense of humour; she is practically a goddess in the flesh.

Let me tell you a secret; I'm a bit of a bitch. There, I said it. But let that not dissuade you from talking to me! I'm only to mean to my enemies, I promise.

I should let you know; I have manic depression, anxiety, and ADD. I am not saying this for attention (I promise) or as an excuse. It's just an FYI as to who I might go inactive for some time.

Never fear, I have interests: I love Ouran Highschool Host Club, Evanescence, Percy Jackson, and the Twilight Saga. And Death Note and Green Day and Harry Potter and Three Days Grace and Beauty and the Beast. And so many other things!

My best friend's name is Cole; he is amazing. Bad boy supreme and totally hilarious, and super adventurous. He keeps me young (though I am young-fourteen) even though he acts like a coke-addicted (I myself prefer Dr Pepper) toddler more than half the time. Needless to say, I love the man.

Lots of love and best of wishes,
Aisling K. Malley

P.S. The couple in my profile picture is not Erin and I, though it could be; I'd be the blonde (that's almost my haircut, except mine is shorter) and Erin would be the brunette. I'm not stupid enough to post an actual picture of us, though I wanted to, so this is my solution.
  • Reno, Nevada
  • JoinedAugust 7, 2015