
Hi, took a week long break for a bit since I was preparing for a competition and my final defense. I'll continue writing the second chapter and as always chapters will be released without any schedules as I am very busy right now.


Hi, took a week long break for a bit since I was preparing for a competition and my final defense. I'll continue writing the second chapter and as always chapters will be released without any schedules as I am very busy right now.


I remember I used to read this one Male Reader insert Legend of Korra fanfic with the MC being a earthbender and could woodbend I forgor who wrote it and I wanna revisit it so please if anyone could provide a link to it I'd appreciate it 


@CrookedSign also I think it had a prequel a
            Which is ATLA so yknow he's old asf I. The LOK book but thanks to plot I think he got younger???