I N F O   A B O U T   M E:
If you're on a quest to find a great "About Me" then you better keep going. In fact, maybe you should run or take a car. Or a bus, plane, or train.

Point is, you're not going to find a good "About Me" on my page. I'm short tempered and bored easily, so it's possible even this lame attempt at writing about myself took days or weeks. After all, I don't really have much to say.

In spite of that, I'd like to explain that I am a huge Supernatural fan. Hopefully you can tell by my username and my writing, but if you still can't understand, then boohoo for you because I'm not going to go into any farther detail.

Rock music will forever be better than pop. Don't even bother to keep reading this page if you're a One Direction or Justin Bieber (Beiber?) fan. That's not music.

E X P E C T E D P U B L I S H I N G D A T E S:
Jinx - Monday, March 17
Stun- Friday, March 14

O T H E R I N F O:
-I always follow back, no matter what. It may take a day or two for me to follow you back, but I will definitely press that beautiful button on your page! :D
-I always respond to any and all mail, although not always immediately.
-I do my best to respond to comments, but sometimes I miss a few.
-I make covers! It's completely free, no dedication requirements or votes or anything like that. Just message me for more info.
-My "website" is my Tumblr. I always follow back on there as well, because I'm the chillest.

S H O U T O U T S:

@WolfsbaneWriter - We've been friends since '08 so go check her out.

@TheArchangel - The chillest butthole ever, just saying.
  • The Impala's Backseat
  • انضمMarch 9, 2014


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