
Hello! As far as you know I am not posting much because I am preparing for an examination that can change my life forever. 
          	Now I am done with the said exam I will going to focus on my work and here, I will start to update again but will take time so please wait. Thank you for your understanding and for tuning to my stories!
          	-Twilight_JIN07 is back in action!


Hello! As far as you know I am not posting much because I am preparing for an examination that can change my life forever. 
          Now I am done with the said exam I will going to focus on my work and here, I will start to update again but will take time so please wait. Thank you for your understanding and for tuning to my stories!
          -Twilight_JIN07 is back in action!


Hey there (: thanks for adding Trust to your reading list ^-^ I hope you'll enjoy it!! <3


@CrosszeriaYuki Thanks! That's amazing to hear *-*


@unlikelee :) your story is good love it ^_^


Hello to my readers I have an announcement to make...
          I may return on the last week of this month or at the first week of December I am so busy in my work and I don't have much time on writing but I will keep my promise though there might be some changes. I became a fan of ATEEZ so I may now start making some FF about them and maybe there are some stories that I might delete because I need to control myself in making drafts or making another one. Well that's it Happy November to all!!