Absent Rose is brand spanking new. I found it on Ao3 last week. I asked the author to put it on Wattpad. So they got an account the other day. It's seriously good. It still hits the major plot points of the show. But it's done so differently. Very unique.
Learning to live is also one of my faves. I just finished it a few days ago and I'm already thinking of reading it again. There is one called The Doctor and the Deathly Witch that might be my favorite. But the grammar is kinda bad. It's a crossover with a Fem harry potter.
Im currently reading the one with Hope on the cover. It isn't really a crossover. Just renames hope and uses her powers and background. I really like it. Second time reading it. I'm clearly on a DW kick. Happens every few months lol.
And you're totally welcome. I love sharing books with people. So DW books or not, if you're looking for anything let me know and I'd be more than happy to check my library.