
Hello everyone, some sad-ish news, my main killing eve book is probably going to be discontinued. I just don’t seem as interested in killing eve anymore so I can’t find the motivation to write for it as my mind is on a completely different Tv show which is Good Omens. I will post Good Omens fan fics probably. I apologise to those who like my killing eve story but I will upload the final chapter and then that’s it, the end. Thank you to everyone on here who has encouraged me to write this but now is my time to say goodbye to the killing eve fandom.


Hello everyone, some sad-ish news, my main killing eve book is probably going to be discontinued. I just don’t seem as interested in killing eve anymore so I can’t find the motivation to write for it as my mind is on a completely different Tv show which is Good Omens. I will post Good Omens fan fics probably. I apologise to those who like my killing eve story but I will upload the final chapter and then that’s it, the end. Thank you to everyone on here who has encouraged me to write this but now is my time to say goodbye to the killing eve fandom.


Hey everyone I’m so sorry it’s been so long, but I will post the next part as soon as I can. It’s just something happened recently that really affected my mental health so I’ve had no motivation but I promise to try and get the next part up before Christmas!


Hey everyone! I am working on part 20 of Villaneve, The Future but I have been quite ill recently and had no motivation but I started working on it again the other day. Don't expect the Killing Eve Groupchat to be updated frequently because I made that out of pure boredom. So do not worry I have not forgotten about this!!