Just in case you didn't know, following back is not something everyone does on Wattpad. Who you follow is a choice. If you, yourself, follow someone it should be because you want to and because you admire someone's work or are friends with them. Not to get a follow back. Because most of the time the only time someone is going to follow you back is if they're friends with you or admire your work or if they just do that kind of thing. And it also doesn't help that everything you reply to is in caps. That's not exactly becoming of you and definitely won't gain you followers.
Basically, you can't demand a follow back from someone because it's not their obligation to to do so. So know that every person you follow may not follow you back and you took a risk by following them in the first place. But if you really wanted to support someone by following them, it shouldn't matter if they followed back or not.
God bless