
I might actually write since its spooky season. Who knows.


Haha nope


Thank you for reading TOPK! Hope you liked it :D Any feedback?
          Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It's very time consuming.
          I know it was kinda cheesy, but you have to admit, that was a gouda pun.
          Have a nice day!


 Yo, I totally understand (though I don't think your writing is bad :l) that is exactly why I try to refrain from writing romance. I should really try and do it though because it's the most popular and you know I'm all about being 'popular.' Anyway, I shall await your maybe future sequel 
            -your stalker who loves David Tennant just as much as u do. Maybe even more.
            @unfurled (I'm still screaming about ur user.) 


Thanks :) Unfortunately, right now, I don't have any plans to make a sequel because I'm just plain terrible at writing (and having) relationships. 
            - your fellow fma (and ed and mustang stalker) trash


First off, did you hear about the crime that happened in a parking garage? It was wrong on so many levels. secondly, your book was fabulous and I am so glad I took time to read it. I don't just vote on books randomly y'know. Feedback: I'd love it if you'd made a second book in the series with Andrew and Patrick but you might not want to. I know writing a book is very time consuming just like eating clocks I bet. @unfurled 
            -Your not so statue-like stalker (seriously. I can't stay still for more than a few minutes)
            P.S ur user name is very fabulous. I'm not sure why. I just love it.


Hello there, lovely
          Thanks for voting on The Paw Print. I hope you enjoy your time with Doggie :)
          Your requested pun:
          Before you feline to the rabbit hole called The Paw Print, the purr-incess said you were purr-nished for showing cat-titude to the su-purr-ior feline. 
          But I didn't get her be-claws she was con-fur-sing. Me thinks you are Paw-some and Purr-iceless. We can chat if you like Mew-sic.
          *pants* Lol. That was harder than I expected.
          Have a great day
          Now go be Paw-some


Wow. I'm humbled by your kind words! *bows* Thank you!
            I'll surely check out your book. Just added it to my library. I'll get to it shortly :) Thanks for reading The Paw Print, love <3


@debismita I always forget to tag people on wattpad. Ugh. I'm still figuring out how it functions.


 You're puns are just as good as your writing! lol (Tbh they're better than mine.) 
            Id love to chat about 'Mew-sic' sometime. I'm always interested to hear what people like. 
            Now concerning your book...
            It is absolutely fantastic! I've just started it and I'm already totally and utterly absorbed. (Like water to a sponge) 
            Paw print is amazingly written and Doggie is my new favorite cat, that's saying a lot since I read the warrior cat books back in the day. I love the way Doggie thinks and acts. It's fantastic and fabulously original.
            Excuse me. You might feel quite overwhelmed. I apologize. But Paw Print is seriously one of my favorite book that I've read on wattpad. Seriously good.
            And thanks for reading that long bio of mine. It's very stressful. I know.
            Oh, since I love self advertising, go give my book a try if you haven't already. (I know I'm annoying.)
            Have a great day as well. (Unless it is night for you. Then have a great tomorrow.) 
            Thanks for writing so fabulously!