
          	My grandmother, the homophobic one who constantly shames me, just tried to slap me because I didn't want to fold my brothers laundry while she babied him in his room even though he isn't sick and is perfectly fine. This is wtf happens when my parents go on vacation


          My grandmother, the homophobic one who constantly shames me, just tried to slap me because I didn't want to fold my brothers laundry while she babied him in his room even though he isn't sick and is perfectly fine. This is wtf happens when my parents go on vacation


I hate having siblings and being the oldest I hate it so much omg  bc my siblings don't know how to respect my stuff and then my dad doesn't pay attention to when they go into my room and so know my whole room is a mess because of my siblings and I know I'm gonna get yelled at and they knocked of the flower that I got from my grandmas off of my dresser and the stem broke in half and I'm jsut not having and good day can someone please kill me


            Hhh same </3 I can’t even deal with one sibling, that sucks that you have multiple- *hugs*
            And no dying </3