
Hello everyone. I apologize for my constant disappearances but mental health SUCKS and I get bad insecurities when it comes to what I publish.
          	I hope everyone is doing well and fine, and know that I'm still alive.
          	I do hope to make more fanfictions from other fandoms (all x-readers I assure you).
          	Potential Fanfictions include:
          	(Happy Tree Friends) Fliqpy/Flippy x Reader
          	(Star Wars) Darth Vader x Reader
          	And those are the ones that catch my interest the most.
          	I also had a Luke Skywalker x Reader in the works but life happened and I'm unsure if anyone would be interested in reading it. But if anyone wishes for me to write/continue the previously named works, lmk!


Hello everyone. I apologize for my constant disappearances but mental health SUCKS and I get bad insecurities when it comes to what I publish.
          I hope everyone is doing well and fine, and know that I'm still alive.
          I do hope to make more fanfictions from other fandoms (all x-readers I assure you).
          Potential Fanfictions include:
          (Happy Tree Friends) Fliqpy/Flippy x Reader
          (Star Wars) Darth Vader x Reader
          And those are the ones that catch my interest the most.
          I also had a Luke Skywalker x Reader in the works but life happened and I'm unsure if anyone would be interested in reading it. But if anyone wishes for me to write/continue the previously named works, lmk!


Hello author. You never heard from be before but I have to ask, how are you feeling? Are you ok?


@ Cryanide  It' s completely ok man, dont even mention it, just the truth. <33 take care :D


@sharks_are_sexy thank you. Hearing that actually means a lot haha. My worries get the better of me sometimes so it's nice for someone to tell me something like that.
            ❤️ much love!


@ Cryanide  that is the smallest thing you havr to worry about. We do not take your writing for granted, and even though this might sound like an insult, it wont hurt us that much if you stop writing. We are just grateful and im happy that you're fine :)) much love


So I've been thinking about making a QnA book for people to ask questions about me and the books I've written with my partner. I'll come around to asking her if she would like to receive questions, as I feel it's rude to go ahead and do it without asking her.
          However I'm unsure about doing it. My main concern is if people will care enough to actually ask something. Again these won't be just questions pointed toward me, but my popular books such as Stay With Me and (for some reason) the discontinued Red Eyes, and of course future publishes. 


You don’t know me but I know you and your book ‘Stay With Me’ has given me life so I just wanted to say thanks for that!!


@The_Whispering_Rose I apologize for the month long reply. I never got a notification for this message. But no need for thanks. I want to thank you for reading my story and thank you for the support. People like you are why I write <3


For the next chapter in “Red Eyes”, you can have it where when the reader gets to the med-bay where she’ll meet everyone, Blackwatch!Genji would keep his eyes on her when she enters the room, and would try to get a bit closer to her(without being obvious) when she’s either uncomfortable or just when she’s unaware of him. 


@KAM6601 thanks mate for the help, very appreciated. But we are making this a very slow burn. Genji strongly dislikes the reader right now so there wont be a reason for him to want to get close to her. Although im definitley keeping the whole "genji keeping his eyes on reader" bit. I actually had it already written in before you came to me with this haha. Thanks for being a patient reader :)