If I wrote a book that had real…talent involved…would anyone read it? I’ve tried sooooo manyyyy times to write books with talent that I put my soul into and they never do well. Should I try again?
If I wrote a book that had real…talent involved…would anyone read it? I’ve tried sooooo manyyyy times to write books with talent that I put my soul into and they never do well. Should I try again?
I just want to put this out there...The Pretty Boy's Crush wasn't....meant to be realistic. I was making fun of the romance genre by writing that. I see so many and wanted to write a crappy one and see if it'd blow up. My calculations were right. You can write whatever garbage you want about love and people will eat it up.
The fact that I wrote some of these books/ comments on meme books and said to myself “this is great” and posted it onto the internet makes me so…cringed
Please say some of you agree haha
Does anyone still use this actively anymore? If so, should I rewrite some old books and publish new ones? If no one replies I don't think I'll return to this website. Too many cringey books from my past here.
Thanks for all the support on The Pretty Boy's Crush. I did just give it a major update, so it's a little more realistic, not entirely, but to an extent.