Excerpt from "Of Waves and Islands [4]" I'm Icarus, she's Sundroplet :3 <3 There was a beat of silence between the two Mermaids, Sundroplet letting the warm feeling in her stomach pool into the rest of her body. She smiled brightly at her friend. Best friend. "And I don't believe you've ever, and you'll ever, be weak or pathetic. Some people might see only what's on the outside, but on the inside..." Her face turned more serious. "On the inside, you can be the toughest, strongest Mer in the world." She punctuated the remark with a stern look, as if reassuring Icarus in a motherly sort of way. For all of the jargon based on chemicals, new materials found in the depths of the sea, names of near every type of sea shell ever used to create a Merchild, and all new and old underwater species discovered revolving inside of her mind, Icarus found herself mute, struck dumb and staring stupidly with her big doe eyes once again at the Mer who somehow could make an unconscious genius become so very apparent and conscious. 'What was this tone,' she thinks to herself, the world slowed down to millisecond, bubbles from their tails sailing up ever so slowly in the pause of her reality. 'that she uses in such a flippant manner? To give me compliments, not sounding as a joke might- but real hardened belief?' Icarus did not understand. She felt a warmth in her chest, and it made her smile a pretty little thing. "Hah, thank you." This Mermaid still did not recognize how to properly thank someone with feeling, or how to be sincere about it (for a thank you should say it all, yet it doesn't), and so her gratitude is diluted with mixed reactions- the little laugh at the beginning. But that was okay.

[continued] In truth, Sundroplet wasn't at all disappointed that the reaction in the response was small. It was enough for her; friends were friends because they accepted each other. "You're welcome! Any time." Her tail began the unconscious action of wrapping itself around Icarus' tail, but slowed down at a glimpse of a distant memory. The first time they met. Icarus didn't seem emotionless to Sundroplet, exactly; the other just maybe didn't put as much strong feeling into her words as Sundroplet did. And that was perfectly fine. She would choose Icarus as a friend over any other Mermaid in the world, and that was a solid fact.