Sneak peak of the chapter of "The Story So Far" (p.s I'm really sorry I haven't been updating, seriously busy with exam work rn, but it's all over next week so I'll be back!! Anyway, here it is, let me know what you think!:
Hurt, Lies and Thomas Sangster.
"Hey, hey," the concern in Thomas' voice was genuine. "What's wrong?" I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up at the wide-eyed boy, his hand pressed gently against my shoulder, his body a lot closer to mine that I had originally anticipated. I shook my head, a waterfall escaping my eyes. Thomas said nothing, he just wrapped his arms around my torso. We hadn't known each other long, almost two weeks and this was only the third time we had seen each other, yet his arms wrapped around my felt right, felt real.
Thomas held me whilst my bod shook. It wasn't until I calmed down, and my body was still, and no more tears could possibly break free, only then did he pull away. It must have felt like forever to him, but I was just happy to have someone to cry on.
"Lilly?" I looked at him again, blue eyes meeting brown. I've never seen anyone look so concerned before. "What happened?"
"It's Ryan," I faltered. Then the pain seemed to turn to anger, I could feel the blood inside me boil. "He cheated on me." My voice was harsh. Sharp. "With some blonde bimbo from his physics class." I was hardly able to control the emotions surging through me. I heard Thomas take a sharp intake of breath, almost as though the pain I was feeling was his too.