


MLP DIM will be renamed "Die." Thank you. (Btw, I just wanted the title to be less Blah blah is magic or my little blah blah, but I'm not good at titles so "Die" is the best I've got, lmao. I'm mostly gonna use that one word anyways so what's not there to connect?)


(Spoilers for MLP season 9 finale? Nah Just some theories of what might happen lol)
          I've been avoiding twitter, YouTube and facebook for a while. I don't wanna be spoiled in MLP. But I couldn't escape seeing some pic about the mane six getting old and Cozy Glow an alicorn? I don't know. But it made me curious and try to think of what might happen. Hehehe, got nothing to do, really.
          I think the bell that Grogar was suppose to have has something to do with Cozy Glow becoming alicorn. Maybe the bell can suck magic from other creatures (like Tirek) and gives it to the new user.
          What else? The getting old? I think it's just that, they got old and tbh I don't like what Spike looks like from what I remember. Twilight looks like Celestia but more.. Twilighty. XD The others look old especially with Rarity having a streak of gray hair. Does that mean Twilight will outlive her friends? But what about the message about her not outliving her friends? I'm totally confused.


I probably assume that since Celestia and Luna will retire, they'll probably give their crown to Twilight. But it's two so maybe they'll fuse it? During the coronation which will probably happen, everything should go perfectly like the coronation on Season 3. 
            Oh I forgot, Twilight has to move to Canterlot since she's the new ruler, maybe. But I think her friends will stay in Ponyville. Or maybe stay with her at canterlot castle? I don't know really. I just want to let out everything I think MIGHT happen before I get to watch it.
            I think Starlight and Sunburst would continue the school. Oh wait, something popped in my mind, maybe there's like a whole Friendship is magic speech again by Twilight and um maybe her friends will like do what happened in the first two episodes in Season 1, they'll like glow white  or maybe take on new forms like in season 4. But whatever, any of the two might happen. And since it's the finale, I think..? I theorize that the pillars will glow too and maybe the student six since they have a connection to the tree of harmony. If they don't, I'd probably be disappointed.
            If you read all this, thank you really much and if you did, I'd very much appreciate it if we try to um talk about it? Maybe we'll become online friends. This was made on August 28, 2019. Lol, just gonna see if some of this happens.


I'm on the works of another fanfic. It's mostly about the mane six fighting a new bigger and morw dangerous foe and eventually becoming alicorns for that. It's NOT a Creepypasta :)
          (If you hate the mane six becoming alicorns then go away, spread your hate elsewhere, k? I respect your opinions but ya' gotta respect mine too. Got that?)