
Alright everyone, thought I would give my December update for what's coming up so you all could be informed!
          	First off, I'm 1/3 through writing the first episode of MCSM Season 2, which'll come out in late January, so that's heading down the pipeline.
          	Second, the next book for MLP; Equestria Friends won't be out this year, but sometime in March. I'll be doing the three Magic Specials that will start releasing between March-April.
          	Third is the first She-ra book, which I'll focus on next month. I kept promising to update, and I never do, but I plan to get two or three episodes down and finished next month so I can finish off the book before MSCM Season 2 comes out, but I highly doubt I can do that.
          	Fourth, no Voltron book, but I won't start writing She-ra again until I finish watching it. (I only have like a week left until it leaves Netflix and I'm only on S4, help me!)
          	Fifth and final, I'll be attending Uni/College next year, so there is a chance that updates might be slow for the MSCM book, but I do plan on trying to get at least two chapters out a month as best as possible. So, I just wanted to warn you all that update skips might happen. I don't plan on abandoning Wattpad for a long time, I'm gonna stick to it for the near future.
          	Before I go, I want to thank everyone for the support of the two MCSM books, along with my other books. Just seeing your comments, votes, and all that truly makes my day brighter and continues to motivate me to keep writing.
          	But, for now, keep dancing in the moonlight and keep making the UwU, bye for now!
          	(Also, who's excited for Sonic 3? I hope they make a few Snapcube references in it. That would make it the movie of the year)


Alright everyone, thought I would give my December update for what's coming up so you all could be informed!
          First off, I'm 1/3 through writing the first episode of MCSM Season 2, which'll come out in late January, so that's heading down the pipeline.
          Second, the next book for MLP; Equestria Friends won't be out this year, but sometime in March. I'll be doing the three Magic Specials that will start releasing between March-April.
          Third is the first She-ra book, which I'll focus on next month. I kept promising to update, and I never do, but I plan to get two or three episodes down and finished next month so I can finish off the book before MSCM Season 2 comes out, but I highly doubt I can do that.
          Fourth, no Voltron book, but I won't start writing She-ra again until I finish watching it. (I only have like a week left until it leaves Netflix and I'm only on S4, help me!)
          Fifth and final, I'll be attending Uni/College next year, so there is a chance that updates might be slow for the MSCM book, but I do plan on trying to get at least two chapters out a month as best as possible. So, I just wanted to warn you all that update skips might happen. I don't plan on abandoning Wattpad for a long time, I'm gonna stick to it for the near future.
          Before I go, I want to thank everyone for the support of the two MCSM books, along with my other books. Just seeing your comments, votes, and all that truly makes my day brighter and continues to motivate me to keep writing.
          But, for now, keep dancing in the moonlight and keep making the UwU, bye for now!
          (Also, who's excited for Sonic 3? I hope they make a few Snapcube references in it. That would make it the movie of the year)


Hey! I'm excited for the new MCSM book! I just remember something pretty hilarious that you might add to the first one.
          Epsiode one on the bridge if you choose nothing.
          Jesse: Uhhh, we're screwed.
          Petra: Huh? I can't hear you, get closer.
          Jesse (glaring): I said we're scre-
          (Petra shoves Jesse off the bridge)
          Jesse: GAH!


I have a little something coming for all the MCSM fans coming between 25th-31st of October, so get your calenders marked!


            I also love your profile pic


@Eevee4465 I probably won't do a Gen 5 book. While I do like the movie and think it's pretty good, the series is all over the place and breaks the lore and timeline of G4 multiple times. And while I would love to write a book about FIM, I have other projects that I want to focus on first. The closest I would get to writing a Gen 4 book would be doing the movie, which I am interested to see how it would turn out. I might put it on my list.


I have a question for all of my MSCM fans (of either the series or my books). 
          When the animated series remake comes out on YT next year, would you like me to write about it with the same characters as a spin off?
          It wouldn't be canon to my books/that series, but it could be an alternate universe in some ways. 
          It's up to you all, since I'll be publishing book 3 next year as well.
          (Also, yes. The next chapter of She-Ra is coming, I'm about 70% done with it, I just have it on hold because I'm studying for my Moc Exams next week).


Yeah, you can write about it as a spinoff


@Crystal34345 I mean... you're the author. You can choose on whether you want to write it or not....


@Crystal34345 IDK, maybe...or yes or no? We're not actually sure...


Why is Toy Story 5 going to be a thing? Toy Story 4 was garbage!


Why the fourth one was garbage why is there a 5th one coming I’m mad bro a 5th movie was not needed


@Crystal34345 YES! THANK you, someone who agrees with me! They should’ve stopped making Toy Story sequels after the 3rd one (honestly I don’t like Toy Story 3 but that’s just me) I absolutely DESPISE Toy Story 4. I legit broke down after watching it I was so upset at that they did. DISNEY PLEASE STOP. You’re ruining these franchises 


@Crystal34345 but in the end of Toy Story 4 Woody hands his badge to Jessie as the new leader of the toys, and Woody decided to stay in the carnival with Bo, leaving his friends behind. But in D23 event, they tease Toy Story 5, with *Woody* in it. And a lot of few people think that he should be staying at the carnival with Bo at the end of the fourth film.


Holy Emily, the final episode of Murder Drones was PEAK! I loved it!
          Spoilers below:
          My only complaint I can think of is that there are barely any characters talking, it's just a bunch of fighting. I strongly think there should've been at least an extra ten minutes so we could get some more character moments aside from Uzi and N, along with J and V.
          Maybe the shots we get of the end credits could've been those ten minutes, making everyone's new life and more character interaction more fleshed out.
          But, overall, I really loved Murder Drones and I'm sad it's coming to an end. Overall, 8.5/10 show, highly recommend you check it out.
          (But, at least Tessa can finally rest in peace. And Cyn's my favorite character, bite me)


MLP Equestria Friends; Legend of Everfree is fully published. Hope you enjoy it!


@dreamlighting Don't worry, now that the main four movies have been written for EG, I'm planning on getting back into She-ra for real this time


Wondering your bow/oc for she-ra might be updated do love your equestrian girls books so much 