
I don’t know if anyone else is a fashion nerd, but if you are, I found the video “How Victorian Men Taught Us To Hate Corsets” incredibly interesting to watch, I’d recommend it!


@CrystalConstellation Oooo! I'll check it out! If you're into fashion I recommend Mina Le's Youtube channel! Her vids are awesome and really well researched. :)


I don’t know if anyone else is a fashion nerd, but if you are, I found the video “How Victorian Men Taught Us To Hate Corsets” incredibly interesting to watch, I’d recommend it!


@CrystalConstellation Oooo! I'll check it out! If you're into fashion I recommend Mina Le's Youtube channel! Her vids are awesome and really well researched. :)


Maybe professional tambourine player is the only career I have the skillset for


@CrystalConstellation okay but staying on the beat while playing tambourine is a skill in itself so don't sell yourself short XD


*slap* *slap* *slap*


Every time I use Spotify it ruins my day I don’t know how free Spotify users live like this


@CrystalConstellation *heavy, world-weary sigh* spotify is cruelty, my friend


@CrystalConstellation  alas. . .if you don't have enough songs on a playlist then spotify will add more suggested songs to it. . .so there's no guarantee of actually getting the song you want


Interested in doing my survey on video games? Go to this link! Answers are anonymous :)


thank you, I submitted one ^^


The reason I’m not too active lately is because, simply, I’m not doing very good.
          There’s always been this one value of mine that has kept my head above the water, and helped me feel like I deserve to live, it’s in all of my stories because learning it took years of self love and I wanted to spread it...but a priest (of my denomination) I spoke to said this view of good and evil is straight up incorrect, and I am in fact, as bad a person as I always feared, only making excuses.
          As you can guess, being told they’re not the good person they worked years to become breaks someone, I’ve been in constant anxiety for the last week, and I’ve been running from my thoughts, mortified of being alone with them. I am writing and drawing but not as much as I hoped because, well, I’m having a philosophical crisis, and my depression and anxiety are worsening. 
          Please pray for me, I feel so lost spiritually, and so lonely :(


@CrystalConstellation Whoops, I wrote out that whole reply without seeing that you sent a second one. I think self-control is a great value, and that you're doing great things by practicing it. I also think that Christ knows every one of our situations and judges based on where we are, so you having hard-to-control obsessive thoughts because of that disorder is less of a sin and more of a trial. Maybe a bit of both, idk the exact divine math, but either way your value of self-control is great :P


@CrystalConstellation Ohhh gotcha, so not exactly what I was thinking. I would agree that both are sin, in the sense that they don't bring us closer to God. But the thought is definitely less severe than the action, and our nature is such that we should start by controlling/overcoming the worse thing (the action) first. So getting to the point where we're still thinking jealous thoughts but not being rude to those around us is progress that should be celebrated. It's not the end, much as my lazy brain would like XD but it's still progress toward God
            I struggle with physically sinning when it comes to my misophonia (mainly in being rude to those around me), and I don't know if, in mortality, I'll get to the point where I don't have the misophodes and their accompanying thoughts of anger/digust/anxiety. Maybe I will, but I'm at a place rn where I'm just focused on being outwardly calm/kind (or trying, at least), and I think that is good enough for the moment. I do sometimes have pretty mean thoughts that I have to talk myself out of tho
            (misophonia being this weird version of hypersensitivity where specific sounds set me off)
            ...idk what I'm trying to say with this reply, maybe I'm just rambling haha


@BrightnessWings19 I’ve always valued self control, and taking pride in not giving in to impulses, so it’s an important value to me. Especially as someone who has PO-OCD, which is a disorder causing distressing intrusive thoughts that can sometimes qualify as sinful


Second time playing Detroit Become Human? More like second time crying at Detroit Become Human
          You’re literally inserted into the character shoes and it. HURTS so much to see them in pain,,,


Oh yeah it’s amazing 10/10 you should play it


I wanna get that game 
            I watched one play through, and I cried, but I want to play it on my own too...
            It do bring the feels bro