
I’ve grown so much in the last years. And my greatest regret is not following up with Wattpad.  I love to see how the site and app has grown over the years.


I dated a guy once who was terrible. My worst relationship yet in all my 27 years. Its like the more me do fe him, the less him appreciate it. So i kept doing good, thinking that all this goodwill would make me good enough and make him love me and treat me better, never quite getting it that for some men, there is no such thing as good enough.
          Until i realized that two things one day while meditating, i'd dumped guys in the past in a heartbeat over less infractions, men who never even do me nothing and him do me so much, why me can't left him?
          The i thought about his exes, If them can tell him no, if these girls weh no half as smart as me, never come third inna jamaica inna CXC or second inna Jamaica inna Literatures in English cape exams...them gyal no half as brilliant or intelligent as me and them can tell him no, why a supposedly shrewd gyal like me can't just walk away...
          That woke me up. 
          No man is worth any amount of disrespect or humiliation. 
          If you don't value yourself, No one else will.
          You need fe learn to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.
          I realized that what he was and what he is doing had nothing to do with me but everything to do with what is going on with him. I was not responsible for his behaviour. I am and will always be held accountable for mine. People always ago ask why me put up with this and one is saying...why him treat me this and that way!!!
          The thing with an abusive man is that him nah go stand up fe you. SO you haffi stand up fe yourself.
          The Bunna Man was inspired by this relationship
          It is my bleeding heart.
          Saf like any other of my female characters is an extension of me. 
          Thanks for reading...In life, i never lose, I win or I learn...


@CrystalDiamond404 I am so proud of of you honey. 