Dear loveliest readers,
I'm here to announce that the next installment of chapters of Valkyrie's Last Warrior (Chapters 6 - 10) are now published and live!!
I know this took a lot longer than my usual timeline and I want to thank you for your patience. As you may already know, I'm not a plotter and because of that, often times, my story sort of meanders. Which means, I have to put the story through more rigorous editing before I can publish the chapters.
As usual, I have no idea where Agust and Valkyrie are going to end up, but I have a feeling that it'll be entertaining.
I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far. And as alway, I want to thank my dearest readers, for your patience, support, and all the entertaining comments.
As you read on, please like and interact with the story through your comments. I read every single one of them. Once again, thank you for coming along this journey with me and I hope my books give you some enjoyment.
I'm off to write the next few chapters. Talk to you soon.
Love always,
- Crystal