

Heyyy  I love your bio my names Talena but my friends call me Tal
          That's mainly cos I wanted a three letter name like Jem just cos jemmmy is life
          I'm a huge fangirl my fave is Florence  + the machine my fave show is Riverdale and doctor who (clara yass) I love your books and everything shadowhunter xxx


Hey so I was tagged by @serendiptically despite disappearing for over a month (thanks for remembering me XD) so go bug her because she’s amazing
          So the rules are:
          Write 5 facts about yourself on your message board
          mention the rules
          tag 15 other people
          Fact #1: I am half Maltese (Malta being a tiny island in the middle of nowhere)
          Fact #2: I am bisexual XD
          Fact #3: I have a solar powered flower on my windowsill that moves when it’s sunny
          Fact #4: I really like painting with watercolours 
          Fact #5: one time me and my friends played poker with skittles
          I tag:
          @OverThe-River (I haven’t heard from you in forever come say hi)
          @equalitymaster (we can still be friends right? Message me even though it’s been a while)
          @Purplerain123927 (love you :p)
          @Courtneyr165 (if you someday return to this site)
          @ -Endgamer-
          Enjoy XD


@Crystal_Wolf358 I rarely forget good people *hugs* and yeah skittles XD. A few maybe went missing...


Holy Hera, you are me.
          Throne of Glass? Duh.
          Heroes of Olympus? Yup.
          Lunar Chronicles? I met Marissa Meyer!
          Percy Jackson? Count me in.
          Shadowhunter Chronicles? I met Cassandra Clare, too.
          LETS BE FRIENDS 


            Message me about books all you like I'm right here and ready to fangirl 
            seriously tho what was it like meeting Marissa's Meyer and Cassandra Claire? That sounds so cool!


          I was reading you everything throne of glass and ACOTAR and I was thinking 'this person actually knows stuff about throne of glass' so can you help me with the one question i am facing in writing my fanfic. 
          Aelin needs to have a kid so it can be called sam and be best friends with aedion and elides kid but I don't know who Aelin can have a kid because a) I don't like rowaelin b) I hate choal c)while I ship celorian Dorian is now a mental case and kind of adarlan d) aedion is taken. 
          Can you help me child?
          Please say you can. 


            Thanks. I might message you when I post it. 


@KMFalcon maybe (even though you hate chaol and don't ship rowaelin) she can have a drunk one night stand with one of them or just a random guy she doesn't know. There's also the option of Nox Owens reappearing from wherever he went or rape if you wanted to go down that path. Something could happen to Dorian to make him not mental for a little while and thus able to create said child. Or if nothing else works the ghost of Sam could reappear for a while and then disappear after the child is born. 
            If worst comes to worst there's always the option of creating a new character, adoption or her having the child for someone else and then the parents dying 
            Hoped this helped (ill check out your fic btw). If you don't like my suggestions i wont be offended, but feel free to use them XD