
Good golly gosh, I really need to start writing a story to put on here. This place is pretty blank.


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@Jacob_Fritzgerald you’re not in the mood for this anymore because i called you out on your shit. you need to get it in your head and leave her alone. she obviously has no wish to be associated with you. she blocked you , move on. you can literally be charged for this behavior , and i doubt you want that. you’re going to college for god’s sake ! she can show your university this thread , and they’re not going to want you in their school if they catch you doing this behavior , especially to a fellow student ! she has grounds to press charges , and god i hope she does. you’ve done this behavior for YEARS , and you obviously aren’t going to change anytime soon. you need to do some reflecting before you land yourself in hot water that your cop relative can’t weasel you out of. court isn’t nice , trust me — respect her wishes and leave her be. there was no need for you to jump in here acting like a fool trying to make her look bad when she’s done NOTHING TO YOU. i shouldn’t have to come defend her from your immature , toxic behavior. you need to apologize and stay the fuck away from her.


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@Jacob_Fritzgerald dustin , weren’t you the guy who went and harassed every girl INCLUDING my sister in school to date you ? yes , you were. i remember having to threaten to castrate you so you’d leave my sister alone. look , pissbaby , you’re stalking her so literally nobody gives a shit wether using your real name is disrespectful you entitled cuntbag. stalking is disrespectful , but here you are doing just that ! i distinctly remember you harassing her too , in fact — you tried to break our friendship up. guess what ? that didn’t work ! so now you’re back to your old tricks of deflection and playing the victim. if you’re not trying to weasel back into her life , why are you here ? lord knows i’m not stupid enough to fall for your bullshit excuses. get off your high horse and leave her the fuck alone , you’re pathetic ! you’re an entitled narcissistic asshole , and i’m not going to let you mess with my bestie. it’s a little too convenient that you pop up here after she mentions your name. do us both a favor and piss off , bootlicker. also , trim your fucking neckbeard while you’re at it.


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@jacob_fritzgerald  hey this is her mom.  now listen up.  you have tried to weasel into my daughter's life enough. this whole thing reeks of your bullshit.  the convenience of you "just trying to find something to read" and answering this is so full of stupidly contrived weak ass excuse is laughable. like a person couldn't see what your doing. your making her uncomfortable and it's her right to choose who she lets into her life on ANY platform. drop the drama, drop the lies  and leave her alone.