
You guys might be wondering why I haven't been updating.. Well it's because I've been really busy lately for a recording team I've joined and irl stuff, I'll try to update soon though!


I have 6 prompts on Chromatober that have their context and Au set, yet Im too lazy to finish writing them. Heres the day and prompt so you guys have an idea on what could be happening.
          Day 9 - Betrayal
          Day 12 - Toxin (Part 2 of Betrayal)
          Day 17 - Comfort
          Day 20 - Stalk
          Day 21 - Guilt
          Day 26 - Animal
          The hard part is connecting Toxin and Betrayal, since I already started on Toxin yet Betrayal doesnt even have one word. I also started a bit on Comfort. Dont expect them to be released soon, you all know how motivation works.


The end sounds so mean now that I'm rereading this-


Got 3 ant stuck in my ear when I woke up manage to get 2 out had a little bit of help to get the last one out. Anyways! I'm planning to atleast post a chapter once a month or a few weeks that's my update schedule for now.
          Miror cur lucem videas, aut dicam Aureus Angelus levitatis?


I just translated it and it wasn't right and I forgot what it was supposed to be I just know it was about Light


The last one is a hint and as always if it translates wrong it's the translators fault-