
New chapter for THE FARMER'S SON is in the wild. Ray and Alan's date continues with high stakes, and they meet an unlikely ally--or a likely one. What is Ray up, and why does getting Alan drunk play a part in it?


New chapter for THE FARMER'S SON is up and about! The boys are on their first proper date, and talk invariably turns to the first time they each began to fall for the other, flaring old jealousies and soothing new ones. But the trouble for tonight is only just beginning.


A thousand apologies for the unexpected hiatus. I know it can be frustrating, and this one was for me too. But it wasn’t in vain, and rest assured that time was well spent on a new endeavor.
          Thank you for all your patience. Beginning next week we will return to our regularly scheduled programming. 


I don't know if anyone reads these, but they're fun to do so I will. 
          The latest chapter for THE FARMER'S SON is up and about! A lot has happened since we last left our heroes (heroes?) in the front of Ray's truck: Stilton's true nature is revealed; Aunt Marge leaves, but not without a warning for Alan and gratitude to Ray; a certain relationship is finally consummated, but danger lurks nearby; Ray gives Alan an unexpected proposition. 
          What awaits you this week? A bad moon is rising, bringing suspicion and betrayal. The townsfolk turn against Ray--and the Walkers.


New chapter for THE FARMER'S SON is up and out, just like our boys! Well, they're one of those things. A long day leads to an unexpected result in the front of Ray's truck. Will it be a kiss of fate, or of death? 
          (It's fate. It's not that kind of story.)
          Also, check out my Patreon, where two parts of a new story are now posted. 
          Happy weekend everyone!


New chapter for THE FAMER'S SON is up! A trip to the Dalton farm and Ray's advice to his little cousin sparks clarity for Alan. After getting some advice of his own from his aunt, Alan is ready to face the things he's been running away from, but he won't have to face them alone. 
          My PATREON has also launched--after a few technical difficulties--with the first installment of the first new story already posted. Look out for part two on Monday!


New chapter for THE FARMER'S SON is posted! Ray lays out his plan for the fate of the Dalton farm, but the roots being planted aren't necessarily a good thing for Alan, who's planning to rip his up. Is this where their futures part ways forever? 
          Also, don't forget to check out my upcoming Patreon relaunch on April 1st. The first story is already complete!