So! I’m going to put Not So “Fresh” on hold until I get my computer back. Which means there won’t be any over the summer. Sorry.
But, for anyone who knows Be More Chill, I have a little side dish until then! <3
In retrospect, Michael wasn’t sure what he thought would happen. Well, he was pretty sure that he wouldn’t first “meet” his SQUIP when he was trying to play video games. It was like a sharp... Zing? Zap. Right in-between his eyes. A monotone voice spoke to him, and he was sure if it was any close it would be resonating in his chest.
A slap of pain across what must’ve been his everywhere pushes him out of his seat, and he lets a rough shudder as it sapped him of what little energy he had.
“Calibration in process. Please excuse some mild discomfort.” Michael couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at that. He closes his eyes and grits his teeth, pressing the side of a fist to the ground as another wave of pain crashes through his body.
“Calibration complete, access procedure initiated.”
“God, there’s more?” Michael wheezed, wrapping his arms around his torso and pressed his forehead into the carpet.
“Discomfort may increase.”
He laughed, instantly regretting this. “Talk about it.”
“Accessing neural memory. Accessing muscle memory. Access procedure complete.” His vision went starry and he wasn’t sure what was up and what was down and if he had saved the game before settling down to writhe in agony.
Before Michael could think more on this, though, a shimmer of blue appeared in front of him. He sat up, noting somewhere in the back of his mind that the pain was gone.
“Michael Mell.” The voice spoke as if the word left a foul taste in its mouth.
“Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor.”
Michael felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. He whispered the words as if they were dangerous, powerful— and they were. He just didn’t know it.