
Hey to my 3 followers! I’ll be happy to accept requests for writing (even though I’m about to delete my only work hehe) Happy holidays!


Ofc! I've been offline for a while, sorry. I'm doing it in about an hour! :]


          	  Do you mind doing a George x reader fluff for me? Thank you! <3


Last thing!
          	  My ships that I will do are:
          	  MHA - 
          	  • most ships between people in 1-A besides any with mineta
          	  • y/n x anyone (this goes for all fandoms besides MLB)
          	  • shindenki
          	  • monoma x aoyama
          	  • I absolutely adore deku and aoyama as a couple, but I rarely meet anyone who ships it
          	  MCYT - 
          	  • almost anything, just not Phil x anyone, Sam x anyone, or techno x anyone
          	  • I do prefer dnf over snf and dreamnap, but I’m always open!
          	  • yes, I will do reader x ____
          	  • If you request something, ask if it is irl or not because I will do y/n x ____ irl
          	  Undertale/Underverse -
          	  • I will not do specifics for your AU, but if you have only  a few restrictions such as: ink can feel love, lust is an ace, etc. I will accept that
          	  • under no circumstances will I do chara x papyrus. I feel no hate towards the ship, I just don’t see them together
          	  • if it is my au I will specify and say what is different from the regular au
          	  • I will also not do aliza x horror. Just please no, I’m sorry if you ship it.
          	  MLB -
          	  • I will not do chloe x adrien or lie-la x adrien because of all they’ve done in the show
          	  • I have an mlb au and I will specify just like i will do for Undertale
          	  • Juleka x rose is in both my au and the actual show AU
          	  • I do ship nino x adrien sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask!
          	  If you have a ship that you would like to request, please don’t feel scared that I will turn you down. If I do, it’s only because i don’t like that ship in particular, not that I have anything against you.
          	  Have a good day/night my children!


Hey to my 3 followers! I’ll be happy to accept requests for writing (even though I’m about to delete my only work hehe) Happy holidays!


Ofc! I've been offline for a while, sorry. I'm doing it in about an hour! :]


            Do you mind doing a George x reader fluff for me? Thank you! <3


Last thing!
            My ships that I will do are:
            MHA - 
            • most ships between people in 1-A besides any with mineta
            • y/n x anyone (this goes for all fandoms besides MLB)
            • shindenki
            • monoma x aoyama
            • I absolutely adore deku and aoyama as a couple, but I rarely meet anyone who ships it
            MCYT - 
            • almost anything, just not Phil x anyone, Sam x anyone, or techno x anyone
            • I do prefer dnf over snf and dreamnap, but I’m always open!
            • yes, I will do reader x ____
            • If you request something, ask if it is irl or not because I will do y/n x ____ irl
            Undertale/Underverse -
            • I will not do specifics for your AU, but if you have only  a few restrictions such as: ink can feel love, lust is an ace, etc. I will accept that
            • under no circumstances will I do chara x papyrus. I feel no hate towards the ship, I just don’t see them together
            • if it is my au I will specify and say what is different from the regular au
            • I will also not do aliza x horror. Just please no, I’m sorry if you ship it.
            MLB -
            • I will not do chloe x adrien or lie-la x adrien because of all they’ve done in the show
            • I have an mlb au and I will specify just like i will do for Undertale
            • Juleka x rose is in both my au and the actual show AU
            • I do ship nino x adrien sometimes, so don’t be afraid to ask!
            If you have a ship that you would like to request, please don’t feel scared that I will turn you down. If I do, it’s only because i don’t like that ship in particular, not that I have anything against you.
            Have a good day/night my children!