After more than two years of absence I am finally back on wattpad ^^ And guess what? Thanks to quarantine I've have a new story for you (= I finally managed to translate my Bardock x Gine story into english (the title is "QUERENCIA") and I really have plans to update it frequently. And I might have new updates for my ongoing stories within the next few weeks as well (Boyfriend Scenarios and the german version of my Bardine Story). Have a nice day y'all ;) Yours, B*
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@ Psychokisses_x Well, regarding COVID I'm finde ... Didn't have any Symptoms at all ^^ Regarding the Rest ... Well, I split Up with my ex after he punched me ...but since we have a daughter i will never get rid Off him :/ Aw, I'm positive you'll geht Back into Routine pretty quick (Sorry If my grammar ist Shit but my Phone Likes to autocorrect words into German Sometimes )
@Cullinaree aw man, I’m hoping you’re doing much better now. ❤️ Aye, I’ve been tackling writers block but I’m slowly getting back into routine.:)