
What's popping


@CupcakeQueen3206  well I've finally started high school, yay. *said with sarcasm*


I just wanted to say this: I believe this world is seriously messed up. As I continue to grow older and realize that life isn't all unicorns and rainbows (haha guess what song this is from for all of my theater kids), I see the true colors of the world. I see how people are judged by their skin color, where they're from, their religion, who they love, and what their gender is. There are too many things to list and so many wrong things that exist that it becomes overwhelming. Trying to imagine changing all of these things seems impossible. Yet, here we are with a chance to change something. To change and fight against racism. I don't fully agree with all of the riots and violence that I'm seeing on the news and on social media but I believe this is our chance to change something and take a big step towards equality. Even though things are ugly right now, it's all for a reason. I know what is going on in America right now will surely change things forever. This is a time where we can speak out about what should’ve changed over a hundred years ago. This is our time to stand up for the rights of black people. Whether you’re black or white, trans, female, non-binary or male, gay or straight, Muslim or Christian, this is your chance to fight. I may not be black, but I hear you. I may not be black, but I see the struggle. I may not be black but I feel for you. I may not be black but I will stand with you and with everyone in these times of change. #BLM ✊✊✊✊✊