
@MyFlaws I'm bored what are you up to?


Hey Guys I'm so so sorry for not updating in ages but I'm working on the final two chapters of Tomorrow and they should be up either today, tomorrow or the next. Again i'm so sorry but I've had exams and a lot of family things going on and i've literally had NO time to write- PLUS my laptop was broken but now it's fixed. Thanks to everybody for being so patient :)


Hello All Followers Of The Queen Of Cupcakes!!!!
           I am thinking of writing a new One Direction fan fiction as well as a What About Tonight fanfiction. If you are interested in auditioning for a character could you please message me and I will send you the character lists with the roles up for grabs. It would mean a lot to me if you could do this for me :)
          On a totally unrelated note, I made rainbow cupcakes today. They were delicious! 


"If you have ever, Taken a blade to that beautiful body of yours, Skipped a meal at least once on purpose, Cried yourself to sleep because you weren't "good enough", Tried any form of self-harm, Thought of/attempted to take your own life, repost this, lets see how many of us there are."