
Heyyyyy I was angry at my brother at something at an hour before midnight and I decided to punch my pillows which escalated to me punching the wall...
          	why did I think it was a good idea... I was even doubting it before I did it... ugh I'm stupid


Heyyyyy I was angry at my brother at something at an hour before midnight and I decided to punch my pillows which escalated to me punching the wall...
          why did I think it was a good idea... I was even doubting it before I did it... ugh I'm stupid


I finished chapter 3! And because I'm smart, I finished chapter 5 before I even finished chapter 3...or chapter 4... yeah I'm smart. Don't know why I'm even writing but... oh well. I also like quotes so heres one that fits me alot. "People say nothing is impossible but I do nothing everyday" other then writing. Anywaysssssssssssss have a great day! Or night. Or evening. Or afternoon. Or midnight?