
@ughasif @CupydesArrow The African in African American is irrelevant and comes from ther ancestors not them. these people know absolutely nothing about being African and because of this are hated in most parts of Africa. I don't need to educate myself about being African and knowing people who aren't African. Funny how ignorant is just being thrown around. How exactly am I being ignorant? For stating facts? You guys aren't African and there's not gray area there. Nothing to discuss about and you need to educate yourself because multiple African Americand have stated that Ethnicity and Nationality is so different. You guys' ethic group is African American but your nationality is not African so you have no right to wear our clothes or have anything to do with our cultures. Do you call that fact ignorance as well. If you do, you educate yourself 


And dude just let it go, no need for offense 


Because she was talking about being African AMERICAN. You don’t have to attack on that, and reading without an open mind can also result in non intended nescience. 