
This is great! Most fanfic I’ve read of the screw tape letters aren’t any good. I know C.S. Lewis said he didn’t want to write a set of letters from an angels perspective what made you decide to do it? 


I’m glad I could give you encouragement! And either way wether you finish or not I’ve enjoyed getting to read what I’ve read. I’ll be here for any more if you decide to put that out.


@johnbwes thanks! I'm glad you've enjoyed it and I hope they've been helpful and illuminating. Mostly I wanted to grow myself as a person and as a writer. I've always been ambitious in my writing projects, and I've enjoyed The Screwtape Letters since I was a teen, so I always liked the idea of continuing Lewis' work. I understand why he thought himself unable to write them, and I don't pretend that I can do any better. I've just found that my best work is produced when I aim high. "Shoot for the moon, end up among the stars," kind of thing. 
            I know I haven't updated this in awhile, so I really appreciate the comment out of the blue. It incites me to think about it more. I do definitely want to finish it in a satisfying way at some point, but a project like this may ultimately end without a proper ending. But that's the thing about ideas like this. They may seem absent for years, but when things need to be addressed a certain way, it's like they've never left. They're always there when you need them the most.