
Hello everybody, it is with a heavy heart I am here to say, unfortunately, you will not be losing one person on this app today, but two, we have just given up with motivation and find no pleasure in making stories Any More, I apologise and wish you all the best.
          	And for the last time most likely ever
          	This is CuriouSalmon...
          	Signing off...


@CuriouSalmon I am saddened to hear about it all. Sucks that your isaboki story dissapeared, I really wanted to read it too.


Hello everybody, it is with a heavy heart I am here to say, unfortunately, you will not be losing one person on this app today, but two, we have just given up with motivation and find no pleasure in making stories Any More, I apologise and wish you all the best.
          And for the last time most likely ever
          This is CuriouSalmon...
          Signing off...


@CuriouSalmon I am saddened to hear about it all. Sucks that your isaboki story dissapeared, I really wanted to read it too.


Right, I think I need to address this, which is stupid as I shouldn't even be doing it once...
          @RazerBlazerXD IS A PERSON!
          You can't always expect him to get things on point, and you can't make him change the outcome or certain characters IN HIS OWN BOOKS! they're his books for a reason, I get it they're your characters, but the writer will have full control over their actions and what happens to them, as they are WRITING THE GODDAM STORY.
          I'm not going to name and shame as I do not want to cause more drama, but seriously, stop, he is one man and can only do so many things at once, don't go onto his books and start ranting about your characters, please, give the man some space...
          Also, Hi! :)


But there is nothing wrong with re-explaining if he missed some detail about the char.


@CuriouSalmon I was lazy to delete so I just added that, anyways, yes *pressuring* him to get something right is a shitty thing to do.


@Shadow_an_Umbreon yes, I understand that he has a lot of knowledge on our own characters, but, still, constantly having to pressure him to get something right is just a bit of a shitty thing to do as he can only do so much, also the fact that I never read your book has nothing to do with this, so do not bring it up 


this message may be offensive
Hey guys! I want you guys to go and follow my friend @BurritoblanketUwU because she is a starter to wattpad and I see potential in her, also flirt with her...
          And I will snap your fucking neck!
          Anyway, hi! 


@RazerBlazerXD friend of mine, from school


Who tf is that?


Hey guys! So as you guys have known from my first short story in my scary stories book, I made a chapter with a ghost in it, should I make that a bool but make the ghost more friendly? Or make it a horror novel?


Hey guys, I made a new book and I think you guys would be happy to check it out?


@Shadow_an_Umbreon yeah at this point I couldn't be asked to say as I don't care 


@CuriouSalmon wattpad deleted your other story....


Hey guys! This post will not be related to ME but related to my best friend @RazerBlazerXD he is a right crackhead and deserves the milestone since he joined in 2018 or 2019, you have done absolutely amazing with your spyro series and my characters since you first put them into your novel, I hope to see more of your books into the future including the newest one to your "collection' if you would call it that, I hosnetly hope that you get further on this app, I really do 
          Anyway, this is your boy CuriouSalmon signing off...


None of you have caught on yet...
          You should be able to SPIN up an idea!


@CuriouSalmon Sony must be full of greedy fuckheads


srsly they BOUGHT spiderman just so they could discontinue it, wtf is wrong with them? Why would anyone hate spiderman so much they'd be willing to waste over a billion dollars just to discontinue it?