
Dear Everyone. I am having a personal crisis and I'm going to leave wattpad for a little bit. It should only be a month until this resolves itself, but it may be lomger. This has nothing to do with whatever is going on here with Morgan and my spell casting. Like I said, it's personal. Sorry if I'm making this sound sad, but I just need to take time for myself and figure this out. I wish you all the best, even you Morgan, and hope you all will be gone while I'm gone. I'm sure you will though :P See you soon! ~Dimi♡


Sorry, another update. This will now be an inactive account because of some stuff.. I'll be making another account later, but I just want to let you all know.


I'm just adding this, if you do however want to contact me, my Snapchat is @awesomebrunett3 


Dear Everyone. I am having a personal crisis and I'm going to leave wattpad for a little bit. It should only be a month until this resolves itself, but it may be lomger. This has nothing to do with whatever is going on here with Morgan and my spell casting. Like I said, it's personal. Sorry if I'm making this sound sad, but I just need to take time for myself and figure this out. I wish you all the best, even you Morgan, and hope you all will be gone while I'm gone. I'm sure you will though :P See you soon! ~Dimi♡


Sorry, another update. This will now be an inactive account because of some stuff.. I'll be making another account later, but I just want to let you all know.


I'm just adding this, if you do however want to contact me, my Snapchat is @awesomebrunett3 


Hey dimi, I was wondering if you knew any "mythical" (can't think of a better term) people on wattpad who are either working on becoming a kitsune or already are a kitsune? I seem to be the only one here, which is unfortunate because that's means I'll have to make a working spell on my own.


@Pres310 hi! Im a kitsune to be!


@Pres310 no, I sadly do not know anyone other than @SPARKLEDOG who is working on becoming a kitsune or someone who is already a  kitsune. There are ways to become a kitsune via subliminals, spells, or potions. Have a great day and I hope you learned something!