
I probably won't be updating zombified for a few days, me and my boyfriend are fighting. Not going to go into details about it but anyway while that's going on I don't think the title zombified quite fits the story I'm writing, so does anyone have any ideas? 


I probably won't be updating zombified for a few days, me and my boyfriend are fighting. Not going to go into details about it but anyway while that's going on I don't think the title zombified quite fits the story I'm writing, so does anyone have any ideas? 


As I right the story I've decided to write, I'm going to make a few errors on the way. If you decide to read my story please leave your thoughts on the story and how I can do better in the comment sections or by messaging me. All help is appreciated :)


Thank you for following me :D If you ever take a look at my stories, I hope you enjoy them! :D
          - Marie xx


@CutePinapple Lol that's fine, don't worry about it :D


@FlawFilledPrincess youre welcome, ill start reading some of your stories here in a bit. I need to charge my phone but afterwards ill read some of them :)


@FlawFilledPrincess you're welcome :) ill start to read some of your stories here in a bit, im needing to charge my phone but my boyfriend is using the only one that works right now lol.


i'm thinking of writing a story, but i have no clues on what i want to do yet. Any suggestions?


i think im going to go with witches and zombies for my story. The dream about zombies having superpowers has inspired a spark. lol.  I have a long way to go on writing my first story but im hoping and going to stay positive that it all goes well.


I've actually have lol. I've had this one dream a few years back where zombies had superpowers but were the color purple or pink. With the book or movice scenes i have. I just recently started to catch back up on a tv series called Heroes, and the plots and the stories interest me quite a bit. The dream thing actually helps, i have way to many weird but facinating dreams that i either wake up weirded out or laughing. lmao


@CutePinapple Lmao, true true, I get what you mean :) Just find a source of inspiration and hold onto it. Dreams can help. Have you ever read a book or seen a movie that sparked a scene or idea in your mind? That generally helps me. Well, more so scenes than actual plot-lines. I'd be watching a movie/reading a book, a random scene would come out of the blue and I can't help but branch off that idea. 
            But dreams help as well lol I can't tell you the amount of times I'd wake up and think "Man! That'd be one crazy story to write up!" Far too many to count XD All the best though cx