
Please keep writing My nazi soldier that is such a good story!!!!! PLEASE DON'T LET IT DIE!!!


Saw your thread and thought I'd recommend this historical romance for you:
          The House of Lattimore by Davrielle; 
          Maggie Peterson desires a job, and she finds one at the London home of a wealthy gentleman named Robert Lattimore, as under housemaid. Though a maid of experience, working for one of the oldest names in England, she finds herself berated by her superior, Mr. Lang, the butler. No matter how hard she works, she is under constant scrutiny. Maggie finds that Mr. Lattimore, although a man of the class of "landed gentry", is a figure that is certainly kind to her. Because of this, she begins to fall for him, fully knowledgeable of the fact that he is madly in love with the wealthy aristocrat, Lady Rebecca Lytton. 
          When a grievous tragedy befalls the entire house, the servants band closer than ever, but Maggie feels more alone than ever. When a secret comes to light, it changes Maggie's life forever, and she must learn to discover herself in even greater strides than ever before. - it's a really well written novel!