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I'm kinda remaking my book, so if you guys wouldn't mind waiting for a bit then that'd be great, tysm <3 Also, summer break is coming soon, so expect some more updates

I'm kinda remaking my book, so if you guys wouldn't mind waiting for a bit then that'd be great, tysm <3 Also, summer break is coming soon, so expect some more updates

Oh wait, I can’t make a book on my edits, i’m so sorry but I’ve posted some of them on my yt, u can go check them out if u want to <3

Do you guys think I should make a book on my edits? I’m open to requests <3

I hope you guys aren't annoyed at me or anything but I've, like, scrapped my first ff lol I never finished it but whatever I'm starting on a new Ladynoir one tho, maybe I just lost motivation on the first one probs cuz I moved on from Marcaniel to Ladynoir-- <3 yall

honestly I don't know why I have followers. I suck and y'all know that :) And based on how I'm feeling now, new chapters might not be coming for a hella long time. Sorry but my mental health's first

MENTAL HEALTH IS ALWAYD FIRST AND DON'T FORGET THAT!!! Anyway, as long as you are taking the time to make yourself feel comfortable or whatever you need to do, it's fine. I know life can be stressful and I'm fine with waiting as long as you need me to wait.

I've got some ideas for upcoming chapters lol. But I still don't have time to write the whole book in a day xd sorry y'all bear with me~