
Uploaded sixth chapter.. So to my few silent readers, and by few I do really mean few because I'm not getting that many reads, please vote comment and fan if you like my story. I would really love some feedback. Also share with people you think might be interested. And if you find it hard to do this then it's fine. I'll love you anyways for reading my story. As always love


Uploaded sixth chapter.. So to my few silent readers, and by few I do really mean few because I'm not getting that many reads, please vote comment and fan if you like my story. I would really love some feedback. Also share with people you think might be interested. And if you find it hard to do this then it's fine. I'll love you anyways for reading my story. As always love


Just uploaded another chapter hoping more people will read.. sigh.. waiting for people to be interested in your story so you can decide whether you should keep writing it or not. But I'll keep writing and hope that more people read and that they make their opinion about my story known. So for those of you who are reading. Thank you. Truly. You have no idea the hard work that writing is


Uploaded 4th chapter and working on 5th... I'll most likely upload wednesday since I finally got my sister's computer up and running again (curse technology)... so I'm all happy and now I gotta do homework so wont be happy for long haha... 


Uploaded a second chapter, hopefully people will start reading soon....... I guess it's always tough when you're just starting.... But I won't give up.  Third Chapter (hopefully longer) will be uploaded by Friday at the latest.