Hey there! 🙌 Welcome to this random human's page!👐

I love reading and writing books although I am still quite new to the writing part📚

I am purely and full blooded South African🌍

Please stick around and I'll hopefully see you all in the comment section of my books.❤

Alyssa <3

(Yes, hi, my name is Alyssa🙋)
  • EntrouSeptember 7, 2017

Última mensagem
CutieBunny101 CutieBunny101 Oct 16, 2018 04:06PM
Hey there peoples!!! Hi, yes, it's me. I'm still here I am sooooooo sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I have just been extremely busy. School just started and we're racing to get the work done bef...
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História de Alyssa
The Endless Summer , de CutieBunny101
The Endless Summer
A one week holiday on the beautiful Island of La Huerta... Great right? That's what Emma Lopez thought when...
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