
TO ALL The Beginning LOVERS: I'm tryna think of a way to rewrite it and how the plot is going to go and I've stumbled across the question of should it still stay supernatural or turn into a regular action story without all of the vampires and werewolves and stuff. I really need feeback on this all help is needed.


TO ALL The Beginning LOVERS: I'm tryna think of a way to rewrite it and how the plot is going to go and I've stumbled across the question of should it still stay supernatural or turn into a regular action story without all of the vampires and werewolves and stuff. I really need feeback on this all help is needed.


@katayoku_no_tori Thanks so much! :) I really do wish I was in the right mindset to finish my books cause they were really good ideas. Maybe in the future but if I do repost them I hope you'll read 


Well, I'm looking forward to your next post then. Don't have the time to read your story all the way before it's deleted. 
            If you lose inspiration for a story quickly, maybe you can try shortening the plot and length a bit? Honestly, a 120 page book on Wattpad is pretty much equal to an average sized 400 page novel, though most people here don't quite realize that. ;) Congrats on writing the length of two good-sized novels.


As you can see (maybe) I'm deleting The Beginning, both parts, by next Friday. Yup, I've finally decided to wave the white flag of surrender on that story and it's really sad because I did want to make that story the one story that I actually finished since I've worked so hard on it and slaved over it so much. But I do think it was an amazing idea and I had great ideas for it so who knows maybe when I've become a better writer I'll post it again. Along with the other stories I deleted. Or I'll give the ideas away. Again, who knows. (I sure as hell don't) 
            Anyway, since March I haven't written anything with substance since my laptop broke and I haven't really been writing well is the only way I can put it. So I'm dedicating time into maybe joining writing clubs and editing clubs and writing fresh new ideas and new stories and making you guys proud the way I've failed to do in the past. So to whoever's reading, yes, I am a sucky writer or so I believe but yes I will try to make both you and myself proud in the future.
           So stay tuned, I have more coming. Loves ya <3 <3 stay awesome :) xoxo and all that bull 


Aw, right when I learn of your existence you decide to delete your stories :'( And I really wanted to read them once time opened up. Well, as long as you post up some more (which, it looks like you're going to do!) it's all good, I guess.
            Oh, and thanks for following me. It means a lot to see an accomplished writer willing to look at my profile. I mean, writing over 200 pages is an incredible feat, even if you think your writing isn't all that good.
            Love your background picture.


Good news is, I'm working on updating the chapters of every book on here. There really is no bad news, I guess...More good news is that I have more books on my other account @HerAwesomeness that I'm working on. Including a MASSIVE project that I'm working on that includes me posting a chapter everyday for a year which will make it 365 chapters long and over 2,000 pages. I know, that's ALOT. But please stay tuned, whoever is still reading my stories :)
          Stay awesome XD
          (P.S. By show of hands (comments), who is actually reading this right now? Just wondering how many people I still have who are tuned into my books)


Teaser for Misguided Ghosts on @HerAwesomeness
          Rosemary Allen was a young, and carefree, 14 year old. Being as young and innocent as she was, everybody adored her; she was the top of her class, the head cheerleader, the great singer, and she was the one with the good looks. She was the one with a promising future. Until the day that she died.
          Remi Lux, a famous musician, the lead singer of the band Chasing Pavements, easily one of the most well known people in America. With her model-like looks, the voice of an angel, and the mysterious past that was enough to keep the press interested, her fame lasted but 3 years, until she too was killed.
          And then there's Remi Winters. She's a ghost of her past, having been used over and over again, she truly is broken. And then she's asked to go back and do it all again. She's been pushed and pulled to people's wims and she doesn't know if she can take it anymore.
          This is a story of love, death, family, fame, and fortune, and what it feels like to be a misguided ghost.
            Sound interesting? If so, go on my other account to read it :) As always, stay awesome my lovelies and Merry Belated Christmas <333


While it is not likely that I will update any of the stories on this account any time soon, i will be putting up a new story on my other account @HerAwesomeness it'll be called Misguided Ghosts (title may change) and it's just a draft so it'll be bound to change up a lot. And anyone who cares to read it can just go to my other account. I'll be putting up the first chapter by later today. And I'll post the summary plus a little teaser on this account so you can see if you want to read it. 
          Stay awesome my lovely readers! I hope everybody has a happy holiday filled with love and joy and loads of presents 
           xoxo I love you all :D


I am not dead guys!!!
          Lols just so you know. I know it's been almost two months since I have updated but honestly I don't give a shit about updating anything at the moment (excuse my language for all the people who don't like cursing). I don't feel like doing shit except for eating, sleeping, reading, and listening to music with the occasional BEING AWESOME (who am I kidding, we all know it's not occasional *flips hair*). 
          Ha but seriously, I do not have the motivation to write any of my stories because they are all pieces of shit (No seriously I re-read them and oh god how did you guys let me post them! It's so embarrassing!) I am working on the new chapters to all of my stories but I honestly don't know when they are going to be finished so don't get your hopes up.
          I am sorry to all of the people who actually like my stories but idk when I will get my motivation back.
          But antyways, stay awesome peeps :D xoxo