((Hey guys I took some Benadryl and NyQuil and now I'm feeling rewaaaalllyyyy sleepy so I think imma hit the hey. Sorry to anyone who I'm RPing with. There's just NO way Im gonna be able to stay awake now XD
((Hey guys I took some Benadryl and NyQuil and now I'm feeling rewaaaalllyyyy sleepy so I think imma hit the hey. Sorry to anyone who I'm RPing with. There's just NO way Im gonna be able to stay awake now XD
((Am I the only one who reads old romance roleplays and there's a scene where shet is getting really angsty between two characters and the one of them uses some really heart stopping one liner and you're sitting there feeling your own heart hurt like??? I need friends???
((Friend: Oh my god dude if I don't raise my grades before the marking period ends, my parents will kill me.
Me; so what's your grade?
Friend: I have a B in three of my classes.
Me; *over here sweating as I look at my 68–F and three D's*