Hey. I know I've been playing cat and mouse for a few years. Saying I'll write things and update more, and I never truly returned. I'm just here to say that I'm not ever going to, and that I'm taking down all my writing. The magic hasn't been here for me for a long time, but more importantly now: the boys are scummy people. If you follow Ohm on twitter, you probably know what I'm talking about. Marcel is a bully who uses homophobic slurs, the group pressured Del into taking down old evidence to save face when he was called out on it and it was utterly shitty of them. Mini turned out to be a pedo, who would have guessed the pablo skit was real??? Tyler has sorta been an ass from the start. I tried to keep faith in Brian, Evan, and Del. But Brian and Evan seem to be in on it, going as far as to ostracize Ohm. I'm not sure how I feel about Delirious at this point, he seems very complacent in letting them be shitty people behind the scenes, so. I'm pretty over it. I'd keep this account for new writing, but you guys all followed me for BBS and at the core, that's what this account was meant for. Not to mention the fact that I'm not sure what I'd even write about, I have yet to find the same passion in a fandom that inspires me to write like I did for BBS. It was fun guys, I made friends and it was cool. Thank you guys for reading :)