
Hello all of you wonderful and patient readers. I have wonderful news! Where I am we have an extended weekend coming up and I am taking that as an opportunity to finish up The Great Escape. I know that sounds tragic. BUT do not fear the first chapter of the next book in the series "The Red King" will be updated. I am pretty sure I am more excited then all of you combined! But with that announced I need some feed back on Nightingale, Eternal Dark Knight and Legacy. A little direction would be helpful. But if you all think I should drop them for right now and just focus on the Cheshire series I'll do it. It's all up to you all. Have a great extended weekend everyone!


Hello all of you wonderful and patient readers. I have wonderful news! Where I am we have an extended weekend coming up and I am taking that as an opportunity to finish up The Great Escape. I know that sounds tragic. BUT do not fear the first chapter of the next book in the series "The Red King" will be updated. I am pretty sure I am more excited then all of you combined! But with that announced I need some feed back on Nightingale, Eternal Dark Knight and Legacy. A little direction would be helpful. But if you all think I should drop them for right now and just focus on the Cheshire series I'll do it. It's all up to you all. Have a great extended weekend everyone!


Ohmygoodness!!! I am so very sorry to infotm you all, it may be a while before I can update normally. You see I have recently started college. So learning my campus and classes have taken up a majority of my time. But because of that I'm giving all of you the prewritten chapters!!!!!! Enjoy!


Hello all. I know I have fallen down on updating, but I have a perfectly good excuse. Where I am school is getting ready to start for High School,  Junior High (middle school), and Elementary school. I have recently graduated from high school so I am moving onto college/university in a week. So I have had my hands full with packing and getting dorm supplies. The only reason I have been able to update recently was because I had prewritten chapters set aside. But please trust and believe as soon as I get a chance I will make up for falling down on the job. And because everyone has been so patient and kind I will tell you all a secret. There are some new books up and coming. As soon as this group of books has finished (minus The Cheshire Series) there will be a new update every day of the week. If you think you may die from the suspense or anxiety (althoigh that is highly unlikely because I may be good but I am DEFINITELY not amazing. Well personality wise. I'm sorry,  I'm rambling.) message me and I will gladly give you the descriptions of the FOUR new stories.


Hello all! Since I have a lot more time on my hands I thought getting my Wattpad business in order was ideal. 
          Cheshire Readers:
          All of you that are following The Cheshire Series would like to know. I finished the cover and I have an official release date for the next book. October 9th 2015! I am beyond excited.  It will be titled "The Red King". I hope you all are as excited as I am. And as an aside I am taking character requests. I will even do cameos of celebrities if anyone wants. 
          Nightingale Readers: 
          So since Nightingale is a new book I wanted to know what you all think. I have a general idea for this book and the outcome. But I would love to see what you all want to see happen here to. Just as before I am up for cameos I rather enjoy doing them actually. 
          Eternal Dark Knight Readers:
          So where we left off-where I developed writers block- Persephone was taking a very long walk back to Earth. I need some ideas everyone. Even ideas for one shots would be nice. Do you want to see the JLA go to war with Hades or see Bruce and Persephone start a life together? 
          Ayame Readers:
          Greek mythology or mythology of any kind is pretty much something I love. I have a destination with this book but I just need help getting there. 
          Legacy Readers:
          So as with other books a destination is in mind. But getting there is a difficulty. I am thinking of also turning this into a series or an extremely long novel. But that's why I came here. What do you all want to see? 
          If you have made it this far in this extremely long message I am completely and utterly grateful. It would be even more amazing of you to message me and tell me what you want to see. I love hearing back from you all. Thanks!


Hello all! I am extremely sorry for my disappearing act. I have recently graduated High school and have been busy with registering for Uni (College). But worry not for I have planned way in advance for everyone who has bothered to read from my Cheshire Series. TGE (The Great Escape) will be getting an update weekly. So an update will be ready on next Thursday.  I hope you all have a fangtastic-fantastic- holiday weekend!   


I've been considering continuing on with Cheshire. I just wanted a show of how many people would actually like to see such. Regardless of whether I have a large amount of cares or interest I may do a follow up anyway. Thank you.