
I'm back at last! I know I have so many stories that need tending to but I really don't know what to do with them... yeah, sorry about that.


          	  Izuku, the Dragon Slayer Hero 
          	  I know you ended the story and put it up for adoption but I want to know what was the ice thing that was attacking Deku


I'm back at last! I know I have so many stories that need tending to but I really don't know what to do with them... yeah, sorry about that.


            Izuku, the Dragon Slayer Hero 
            I know you ended the story and put it up for adoption but I want to know what was the ice thing that was attacking Deku


          For anyone who’s still following me or interested in my stuff:
          So this semester I have a fair bit of time on my hands and I finally have a plan in mind.
          I’m restarting The Legend of Minako Namikaze. After spending the last year and a half overdosing on fluffy stories, I’m really in the mood to write something fluffy.
          After some planning, the story will be back with a somewhat lighter story. It’s rare to find Naruto being able to grow up with an older sibling so I hope I can fill that niche with this attempt at a story lol.


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I'll be posting announcements in my fics soon but for now here's the sitch:
          Given the volume of my coursework at the moment and my current ability to deal with it, I end up too mentally exhausted to write well (as if my writing here has actually been good lmao) when I do have the time to do so. 
          Additionally, the fics I have up that have attained a good following honestly aren't written very well. Izuku, the Dragon Slayer Hero was my first fic and I gotta say, it is the worst thing I have ever written. I'm very thankful for the support I've gotten regarding all of my works but my coursework isn't going away any time soon and I'm just being an asshole by continuing to make y'all wait and wait with false hope.
          I have no intention of quitting any of the works, but I think it's better if I put everything on hiatus for now. They all also deserve a well thought-out rewriting when I get back, so yeah.


How's it going? I'm on break now, so I've picked up writing again. But before I try to push out a few new chapters, I just wanted to ask a quick question.
          What would you all think about a couple of Christmas/New Year's oneshots/short stories/drabbles that focus on whatever story(ies) you're reading? I'm thinking I might write them set a little bit into the future from where the stories are at currently and add in a pinch of foreshadowing regarding ships. I might also temporarily bring back dead characters or at least make it extra-spiritual if one of the above happen to be your thing.
          I currently have ideas for The Legend of Minako Namikaze and Izuku, the Dragon Slayer Hero.
          Tl;dr: any suggestions about Christmas specials? I have a few ideas in mind but would like some input from you.


Hey. School is absolutely crushing me these days. I do occasionally write when I get the time, but it's starting to get REALLY stressful. I've managed to write about half a chapter in the last 3 months. Yeah.
          I know it's been forever and that I should've said something earlier, but I only just found the time. I'm not going to be quitting writing or anything, but I really need to take a break for a while. I'll probably be able to write in about 2 weeks when winter break begins here, but I'll pretty much only be able to write over the holidays. I guess you could say that I'll have to keep everything on hold while school's in session.


By the way, I'm still alive.
          I've been really busy and unable to post story updates. Now I'm constantly under the pressure of homework and trying to stick in a workout to remain consistent. I don't even have time on the weekends. Also, sorry but I'm spending more of my free time watching new anime or trying to finish old ones so I can get more material and possibly write about something that doesn't involve Boku No Hero for once.
          I'll do my best to update this weekend, but no promises.
          On a side note, has anyone watched Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? I'm working on an FMAB X BNHA story, too (so now Izuku, the Dragon Slayer Hero and Iron Soul: Amestrian Adventure are top priority).


@CyberCluck1 The dog says...Daddy...


There was a minor update to the Cavalry Battle for Izuku, the Dragon Slayer Hero. 
          If you're too lazy to read it, when Izuku used an Advanced Spell to retrieve his points, Kaminari was able to hit him with the lightning, but Izuku swallowed it.