
There is no excuse for not updating. My rival is used to my failure now.


@creative_psycho Thank you. I look forward to that day.


@CyberDolphin } pfft, don't worry bro! I mean... the year is almost over, so I'll be starting from scratch soon anyways. And this is the fourth year of me uploading all my art on wattpad, after having made friends in the german art community and having participated several times in the more popular art contest here since 2017.
          	  Just take your time, enjoy the process and just have fun talking about your art man! if you're having fun, people will come and enjoy your stuff eventually. They just gotta find you first, and that just takes time, no worries. And.. tbh with your art and insane development, that probably will happen faster than you think.
          	  So don't give up! It's only a matter of a year or a half until you overtake me and I gotta try to catch up to you again :)


@creative_psycho I meant not updating my wattpad art book. I can never catch up with your success now.


There is no excuse for not updating. My rival is used to my failure now.


@creative_psycho Thank you. I look forward to that day.


@CyberDolphin } pfft, don't worry bro! I mean... the year is almost over, so I'll be starting from scratch soon anyways. And this is the fourth year of me uploading all my art on wattpad, after having made friends in the german art community and having participated several times in the more popular art contest here since 2017.
            Just take your time, enjoy the process and just have fun talking about your art man! if you're having fun, people will come and enjoy your stuff eventually. They just gotta find you first, and that just takes time, no worries. And.. tbh with your art and insane development, that probably will happen faster than you think.
            So don't give up! It's only a matter of a year or a half until you overtake me and I gotta try to catch up to you again :)


@creative_psycho I meant not updating my wattpad art book. I can never catch up with your success now.


I keep seeing The Empress and Page of Cups in my tarot readings. Not all the time, but enough for me to consider them representations of myself. 
          Don't worry about symbolism, either, they're both very positive cards in my book.