Hey everyone, we have a very important announcement is COTS News! Check it out for a chance to get your OC and cover featured in our newest book, After Her Death.
Hey everyone, we have a very important announcement is COTS News! Check it out for a chance to get your OC and cover featured in our newest book, After Her Death.
Hey y'all! It's Poison here. I have discovered that I can't live without wattpad. Yes, my safety barrier has been broken. But I don't care. Because I've got barricades to block it back up. So my break is over, I'm back!
Hi guys.. It's Poison here. Things in my life have been sucky lately and wattpad was kind of my relief. But an argument happened and now wattpad just doesn't seem safe to me anymore. I'm not quitting, I'm taking a break. I'll be gone for 1-3 weeks, so don't think I'm dead, okay. I love you all tons.
~Your Friend, QueenPoisonPony
Alright, so first I want to tell you, please forgive me if I get frustrated and snap at you guys, I get stressed about the littelest things. Also, my OCD is apparently worse then I thought it was. I always want everything to be my way, and when it's not I get mad. So I'm sorry