Is it you with Danny Smith (aka. Merton Dingle) in your profile pic? If so that's so cool. Also, I'm sorry to bother you but I was just wondering, would you mind checking out my fan fiction Vampire College? It is a continuation fan fiction of Big Wolf On Campus. Just asking because you seem to be a fan of the show, so I thought you might like it. Of course you don't have to, if you don't want or can't. I'll understand. :)

@Hey_its_CC I posted the story her name is BANSHEE "The sequel is already written Tell me if you like and if you want more :) If you like I have other stories of Big Wolf too :)

@CynSoleil Thank you and yeah, if you could do that it would be great. :) Also it's ok, I understand if there will be mistakes in your English versions. I'm sure that I will love your stories though.