Upon doing some thinking, I would like to possibly discontinue and delete the following works; -The Romance of Fae and Sirius - The Romance of Fae and Sirius (DE) - The Five Nations: Everwar I feel as though they do not have much potential in their state, and am trying to come up with a new idea. I want to ask my followers what they think, should I or not delete them. I will be discontinuing them, but if you wish, they can stay.
I am aware that I just posted this, but I have come to a separate deliberation. By looking at reads and favorites, I am deciding to discontinue and delete the two Romance of Far and Sirius books, but I will keep the Five Nations Everwar, though it will remain not being worked on for now. I may pick it back up, but for now, it will remain as my first book to be written on here.