
They finally added liking comments to Wattpad!!! 


My baby brother is so fricken cute 
          He's taking a nap right now but started crying, I gave him three kisses (on the cheek) and he stopped and went back to sleep.
          I hope you all know I have the cutest siblings in the world 
          But on a real note I think he just doesn't like feeling alone.


I've been thinking about this for a while now. Would horni jail be a good or bad thing in your opinion and why?
          I think that putting a bunch of horni people being in an isolated place with other horni people wouldn't go how most people think it would. They wouldn't stop being horni, they'd just ya know... ya know? 
          Like it's funny to say and all but when ya think about it... would they get turned on more or...? Like I'm so confused I've been thinking about this for a few years now and I feel like I'm going crazy (not horni crazy you weirdos)!
          So tell me your thoughts about it!


Thanks for voting on my story !!


@Cythe_S I'm happy that you like my story!! Thanks for reading it, and for following me!! 


@princessphoenix1130 AHHH!! I feel so happy! You noticed me :0 I love your story!!!

          It's come to my attention of yet another thing I'd like to share. This world is going in a different direction and can be compared to hell, the in between of heaven and hell yet it's dropping down. Please read the what's in the link I've provided sign the petition and share this message around.