
If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral... Because I'd be in jail for killing the person that killed you! We are true friends: we ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everyone you care about including me if you care. See how many times you get this! I want you to know that you're amazing and you are my friend until my death and forever. If you don't send it back to me that's fine, I understand. But here's a little game for you, once you read this little letter, you need to send this to 15 people, plus the person that sent it to you. If you receive at 3 back, you are loved.


          Once you get this award, you're supposed to post or pass it on a wall of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it's nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out


@ Pinkiecaake7777  Thank you so much!!


Umm, hello ^^" i was just wondering if you're going to continue the Mizuki x Reader story? I really the story and i was hoping if you could...update? ^^" so sorrt if i bother you tho..( •̣̣̣̣̣̥́௰•̣̣̣̣̣̥̀ ) i was just wondering ● >.< ●)


@Cythians oh ^^" okay thank you! And good luck with ur finals! ^^


@ Happy_Assassin  Ah yeah. All of my finals are soon so I won't update that quickly. Even though, all the books that say they aren't completed will be continued.


Hello, I am currently reading your story, about a land god/yokai panther x Mizuki. I am also a writer and I was wondering if you would be ok with me do something similar...? I wouldn't be taking anything from your story other than the idea that the reader is a land god, but also being a panther (panthers are my second fave animal, it would just be weird if I made her a fluffy chicken yokai lol). Tho it would be a Mizuki x Reader x Various.
          Since I got this inspiration from you I was just wondering if you would be ok with it? I would give you credit in the story for being my inspiration to write it. If you feel unsure I could write a quick first chapter as a preview to get a understanding of my true idea. If you say no, I totally, understand! Thank you for taking ur time to read this long -sweat drop- message. Gawd, I am a formal pre-teen...


Hey there! I'm glad I gave you inspiration. And sure go ahead. Write to your hearts intent. But I ask one thing of you. To keep me updated on what you're writing. I'd love to read it since I am a fan of Kamisama Kiss :)